Friday, September 14, 2007

The Toothfairy's comin' to our house tonight!

Brayden lost his first tooth! I always assumed he would loose his teeth early because he got his teeth early, at 5 months old, however, that wasn't the case! His cousin and most of his friends have been losing teeth right and left for a year now! He is so excited that he said he wants everyone to call him "lucky" from now on because he is so lucky he lost his tooth!


Haleigh said...

Yea for Brayden! How much does the toothfairy bring these days?
I remember I used to get about 25cents.


Bridget said...

How cute... Mason's friends are losing their teeth too and he is so bummed that he isn't, they even have a loose tooth chart in his class room. Hooray for Brayden :0)

Amber said...

I'm glad it came out and that the toothfairy could come. That's some exciting news. Cameron is going to be so mad!!!