Saturday, September 22, 2007

Girlz, Girlz, Girlz!!

This weekend I had a little girls weekend with some of my best friends from High School. It's tradition every September to have some type of getaway for as many of us that can come. This year Bridget, Marci, Haleigh and I spent Fri & Sat in Scottsdale. It was so much fun! I would go into detail..........however, I think Bridget and Haleigh pretty much covered it all in their blogs!! So - for pics and details refer to their blogs!! And Haleigh, I WAS lovin' the ice cream!!

1 comment:

kristi said...

I was on Dawns web site and saw your blog link. Congratulations on being pregnant. Our blog is
Its so much easier to stay updated through blogging. Kristi Ritchey