Tuesday, September 18, 2007

October 18th...

... is the day I have my ultrasound! I am really excited to finally have the date set, but..... why oh why do I have to wait until I'm 20 WEEKS!! I'm dying here. I asked my doc and he said it would be okay to do it a week or two earlier. However, when I got to the reception desk, they informed me that their ultrasound tec will be on vacation for 1 1/2 weeks and this was the soonest they could do it. I guess I have to be patient...I just want to know sooo bad!!!


Chad & Dawn Howey said...

If only we all worked in a OB/GYN ofc and could get ultrasounds all the time.. Oh heck.. Why not buy a machine like Tom and Katie (ok we all know them as TomKat) so they could look at their little TomKitten all day long everyday.. OK YES... I did watch WAY WAY to much TV (I'll call them NEW's shows.. ie. EXTRA, Access Hollywood, Inside Edition, etc.. )

Haleigh said...

I don't think that I could make it. I think I'd cave and pay the $100 it costs to get a regular one done by one of the ultrasound places.

Melissa Braegger said...

Heather I am so sorry atleast you shouldn't have to wait any longer than that. Although Haleigh has a good idea if you can't wait it out. Your two boys are adorable, they look so cute playing soccer.