Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Quirks - Just for Tiff

I know you were just dying for me to do this since you tagged me, Tiffany!! So I thought it'd be my first real post now that I'm back in the blogging world!!

1. I can't stand long toenails. Yes, the secret is out! (Bob revealed it to Craig and Cynthia while they were here visiting last weekend!) I am crazy cutting my kids nails constantly - and my own! You know how when you get a french pedicure, it looks better if you have a small nail on there...well, before I get a pedicure I have to try sooo hard not to cut my toenails for a week! Weird, I know.

2. I have an old sweatshirt thing goin' on. I have this sweatshirt from....maybe junior high? It's a U of A sweatshirt - which I don't even like U of A - but I LOVE this sweatshirt and can't bare the thought of ever letting go of it! Amber makes fun of me all the time. At first it was just because her hubby is a die hard ASU fan (and alumni), but then when she found out I'd had it for like 14 years - she just laughs every time I bust it out.

3. I love guy movies. I can honestly say that chick flicks really aren't my thing. One of my all time favs is The Recruit.

4. Actually that goes for TV shows and video games too. I loved 24 - but then when they stopped in the middle of the season, and I was heartbroken! I have also been into Splinter Cell on my XBox since we don't have cable and my internet hasn't been working. What can I say, my husband is lucky!

5. I don't like my kids doing anything messy! I want them to be able to finger paint, make cookies, play outside in the rain or mud - but I also can't stand it! It snowed here the weekend after we got here and I wanted my kids to have fun it it - but then I didn't want them all dirty! It's always a conflict with me! I got them pumpkins to carve this evening and I am all stressed about it!

6. You know how there is home-bodies....well, I'm a not-home-body!!! I can't stand being home all the time, I have to go somewhere. It has been driving me crazy being at home since we got here! I am so bored! But since I don't really know anyone yet - the only place to go is shopping! And then that gets me in trouble!! ;)

Now it's your turn! I am tagging Amber, Haleigh, Bridget, Andrea, Cynthia & Holli! Good luck with all your quirkiness!

1.Link to the person who tagged you
2.Mention the rules on your blog
3.Tell 6 unspectacular quirks about you
4.Tag 6 following bloggers by linking to them
5.Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger's blogs letting them know they've been tagged.

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