Sunday, October 26, 2008

8 months

Can you believe it? Lily is already 8 months old! She is now gettin' around EVERYWHERE! In fact, just the other day I couldn't find her and was almost panicking until I realized she'd crawled under her exersaucer and created her own little fort with her toys under there! (She must have gotten fort pointers from her brothers) As you can tell, she loves to find anything she can't have, such as the outlets. The doorstoppers are also a fav! I love watching her go through these new stages, however, sometimes I wish she'd stop growing up so fast!


Jadrian said...

Lily is getting SO big! You always have her dressed so dang cute!

Craig and Cynthia said...

she is so cute.

Andrea said...

Awww - what a big girl! She's sooooo cute.