Sunday, April 5, 2009

1.22 miles

Can you believe it? I ran 1.22 miles yesterday!! I am soo proud of myself. To all you runners out there, this may seem absurd that this is such an exciting milestone in my don't make fun, K?!
My friend Christi and I have been walking /running for the past few weeks and decided to train for a 5K on July 4th! I am excited to enter the world of the runners! Yippee! :)


Tiffany said...

Good for you! I swear the first mile is the hardest!!! Maybe the first 2...then you just get into a groove!! I wish you would have done that here with me!!!! Keep training...we can do the Ragnar down the coast someday!!!

Jadrian said...

That is so awesome! I used to love to run, but lately I have just been lazy...

Craig and Cynthia said...

Heather. That is awesome. I'm so proud of you. For some reason I just remembered our exercise classes we would take at Lifetime. Those were the days. Sorry for falling off the face of the will soon be over.