Friday, September 5, 2008

Bowling and Birthday

My Mother-in-Law (Sharon) and Sister-in-law (Brandi) came to visit for a week. We had so much fun!! We went bowling - which is one of Brandi's favs - and my boys had a blast! And guess who won?? Yes, yours truly!! (I actually beat Bob for once!!) We also celebrated my 28th B-day!! I can't beleive I'm almost 30! Craziness. When Bob and I got home from a fabulous day date, Sharon had helped the kids make a cake and cards for me! - I love that kind of stuff! It was a fun week.


Jadrian said...

im so sorry that i didnt get you are card... but happy late Birthday!

Andrea said...

Oh, I stink. I haven't remembered anyone's birthday this year. I'm sooooooooo sorry!

Andrea said...

Oh, I stink. I haven't remembered anyone's birthday this year. I'm sooooooooo sorry!