Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast

Colby had the cutest Thanksgiving Feast at Preschool. (I do a Co-op preschool where each Mom takes a turn teaching the kids. Colby loves it and best of all---it's free!! And it just so happens that they are all boys - 6 little cuties!) This is Colby making butter! You put heavy whipping cream, salt and a marble in a jar and shake it till it makes butter! I thought that was so cute for the kids to do!

The kids made an Indian hat for themselves and a pilgrim hat for their moms - So this is Colby as an Indian and me as a Pilgrim! :)

Colby in his turkey beak.

The kids sang a turkey song for their moms that they had practiced a couple of days before. It was about a turkey that didn't want to be Thanksgiving dinner! It was adorable.

1 comment:

Melissa Braegger said...

Hey Heather it looks like you guys are doing well up there. That is a great idea to have a co-op preschool. Have a Merry Christmas!