Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thanksgiving and Dinosaurs

We went to my Grandma's house in Utah for Thanksgiving. My Dad flew there as well. The highlight of the trip was going to the Dinosaur Museum the day after Thanksgiving with my Dad, half-brother, Kris, my Stepsister, Shelly - her hubby and kids, and my Stepbrother Jared and his wife. I hadn't seen Shelly since I was 16 and Jared since I was about 10 or so! It was fun to catch up with them. I was bummed that this pic turned out blurry - but here's Kris, me, Shelly & Jared
Dad, Lily, Bob, Brayden, Kris & Colby. Brayden was attached to Kris' hip! He wanted to go everywhere with him - It was so cute!

Me and my bro.

Me & Shelly

Daddy & Lily


Brayden & Kris playing in the sand/water pit.

My kiddos on a Dino

Lily is as big as a Brontasaurus' toe!

Lily & Janae (Shelly's adorable baby girl that looks identical to her!)


Jadrian said...

Looks like you had so much fun! that's awesome:)

Andrea said...

Cute! How fun! Lily is so much bigger and looks like Colby!

Kandis said...

I haven't checked out your blog in awhile. I love these pics! Wish I could have been there for all of the family fun!