Thursday, May 31, 2007


My kids always have the most interesting conversations with each other in the car. Today, I was driving home from the gym when Brayden said to Colby, "Did you know that cows have hamburgers in them?" To which Colby replies, "Nooo, they have chocolate in them!"

1 comment:

Natalie Hall said...

Heather its Natalie Hall, ok you have the best darn kids ever! They are so great, I loved watching them. I am so glad you told Bob to call me to take care of them. They sat and colored the whole time. I think you are an absolute trooper for going to camp all week, and this time you had to do REAL CAMPING! Well I want to hear all about it. I just remember the fun we had staying up all night long visiting and laughing at last years camp. Talk to you soon fellow blogger