Friday, January 11, 2008

oh baby!

So - since it's been a month, maybe I should update my blog!! ;)

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and of couse I'm measuring big!! 3 weeks ahead to be exact! So I'm 32 weeks, measuring 35. I have no idea why I give birth to almost toddlers! It's miserable telling people my due date because their eyes bug out as they stare at my gigantic belly and they are instantly speechless. O well, what can I do?

Anyway, I am having another ultrasound in 2 weeks to measure the baby and stuff. Dr. Huish told me that he will probably induce me before 38 weeks and if he feels she's getting too big, a C-section could be a possibility. I really DON"T want to go that route, but if my cervix tears like it did with Colby, I will absolutely die!!

I guess there is good news, though! Little Lily will be here shortly! I can't wait to cuddle and hold a baby again!


Craig and Cynthia said...

I am so excited for you. I hope I didn't make you feel bad telling you to make a post. But oh how I do love reading the new ones :). Good luck with the toddler birth..ouch..haha. Hope you are having a terrific day.
miss ya,

Melissa Braegger said...

Heather I am so sorry you are measuring bigger. I did with McKenna towards the end as well. What are you going to do? I hope that all goes well in a couple of weeks. I always loved getting an ultrasound it was so reassuring:)

MaMaMaMandy said...

That's so exciting Heather! Don't worry about your size- nature will take its course! So, I will be seeing Dr. Huish next Monday- it seems like he's every mormons favorite OB- hey, I need a super jolly guy to get me through this!

Riley and Brooke Nelson said...

I can't wait to see little Lilly. =)